Getting further in RIFT... Learning and Sharing.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Doujhe: I have begun. Let us begin.

My time has come. Your time has come. This time has been a long time coming. I would have begun writing sooner, but I have been consumed by life's training for the last four years. Since my folks were brutally killed, and I was inherited by a great uncle on my father's side, he had plans for me I had no idea where they would lead. I've learned languages, battle arts, weapons, politics, and everything else you couldn't imagine a 14-year old might be ready to learn. Now at 18 years of age, I'm confident you and I can make an impression on our land and times, and gain back what has been beaten back by the Defiants.

I know in my heart I have family members still out there, and I will seek out those I can. I will reluctantly destroy those who have chosen the easier path. My name is Doujhe Dragnist, and I am of the Dragnist Descendants. My clan will grow once again. My clan will conquer once again. My clan will not only retrieve what was originally ours, but what we should have been granted over the last 18 years.

In realizing I will progress faster and further with a little help from those who have already been where I'm going, it has been suggested and I will rely on the excellent guidance from Xerxes.

Join me by reading my adventures, and we will, together, beat back the Defiants, and once again find what was originally and should currently be ours. These are our lands. This is our time. Let us begin.